The Finance Manager can record development activity into the General Ledger through journal entries. For more information, see Recording Development Activity in Finance through Journal Entries.

To access reconciliation reports, a user must have GL Full role.

To reconcile development activity with the finance ledger, go to DAT and select the PCR (Imported) group. Open the report called [Finance] Donation Reconciliation Report. This report will provide donation information, transaction date (posted to the ledger), journal entry information, and account information of each transaction.

To review a list of all transactions that have been posted by the Development Office but have not yet been posted as journal entries by the Finance Office, go to DAT, select the PCR (Imported) group and review the report called [Finance] Unposted Development Transactions.

Through the combination of the two reports, the finance office should be able to tie out all posted donations by the Development Office.

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