In order to access parent teacher conferences configuration, you will need the Admin Full role. Prior to configuring parent teacher conference, confirm that Marking Period Info is also properly configured.

To create new parent teacher conferences
- Navigate to Admin > Staff
- Select the teachers you wish to create conferences for 
- Use the multi-action Parent-Teacher Conference
- Fill out the fields
- Click one of the desired Generate buttons

From Date is the starting date to generate parent teacher conferences.

To Date is the ending date to generate parent teacher conferences.

From Time is that starting time on any given day that the first parent teacher conference will be scheduled.

To Time is the ending time which no parent teacher conferences will be scheduled past.

Length is the length of time for each parent teacher conference time slot.

Interval is the amount of time between time slots, usually to allow time for parents to travel from one meeting to the next.

Room will be the room shown in the parent teacher conference time slot to the parents.  You can choose to use the room specified in the Office field for the teacher, or you can specify a specific room (or leave it blank) for all the generated time slots.  This field is optional and can be left blank

Note: If you want to have Parent Teacher Conferences more than once per Term for the same division, you will need to delete the original signup slots and create new ones.

Note: The parent teacher conference registration dates should fall within the open dates of the marking period in which the registration falls. Do not try to schedule first trimester conferences in marking period one if the attendance dates for that period have already closed.

Note: The only teachers who will appear as options for the parent are teachers teaching  courses that have the Parent Teacher Conf checkbox checked.

Note: If From Date and To Date span over a weekend, then parent teacher conferences will be generated for the weekend too.  So, if you have parent teacher conferences Friday and Monday, but not on the weekend, then you will need to run the wizard twice - once for Friday and once for Monday.

Note: The last parent teacher conference time slot on a day will end before or on the To Time.  If a time slot end time (calculated as the slot start time plus Length) would exceed the To Time, that slot will not be created.

Note: If the schedules are different on different days for a set of teachers, you can run this wizard one day at a time.  Clicking the “Generate and go to Teachers List” button will take you back to the list of selected teachers.  Then run the multi-action again for the second day.  Conveniently, your originally selected teachers will still be selected.

Note: Determine if you have passing times.  Passing times are not explicitly scheduled; instead, they are left as gaps between conference times.

Note: Teachers will be able to view Parent Teacher Conference sign-ups on the Teacher Portal calendar.  Parents will be able to view their sign-ups on the parent teacher conference signup page in the Parent Portal.  Note:  Consider having the closing date at least 48 hours before the first conference. Closing a few days prior to the first conference allows the teachers to print the schedules and gather their materials for their scheduled conferences.  Note:  Determine whether or not you will “require” parents to be registered in advance or whether you allow (or encourage) walk-ins. If walk-ins are encouraged, you will need one or two staff persons available to schedule the walk-ins on the days of the conferences.

Note: You should consider how you will communicate when, where and how the parents will sign up for parent teacher conferences.  Options include an email, updating the website with instructions, or both.

Note: It is not possible to have overlapping conferences or two conferences at the same time for the same teacher.

Note: Parent teacher conferences belong to the selected school division. Thus, it's important to select the correct division before creating new conferences to ensure that they are properly shown to parents in their portal.

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