DAT Key Id Field is a unique record identifier that exists in most DAT Tables.  The following table lists out various DAT Key Id Fields.

Table Field
Students > Student Info Student Id
Admissions > Inquiries Inquiry Id
Teachers > Teachers Teacher Id
Households > Households Household Id
Scheduling > Courses Course Id
Security > Users User Id
Development > Donor Donor Id
Development > Donation Donation Id
Development > Asks Ask Id
Finance > Customers Customer Id
Finance > Vendors Vendor Id
Finance > Customer Orders Order Id
Finance > Customer Invoices Customer Invoice Id
Finance > Customer Receipts Customer Receipt Id
Finance > Customer Misc Receipts Customer Receipt Id
Finance > Deposits Deposit Id
Finance > Purchase Orders Purchase Order Id
Finance > Vendor Invoices Vendor Invoice Id
Finance > Vendor Payments Vendor Payment Id
Finance > Vendor Misc Payments Vendor Payment Id
Finance > Accounts Account Id
Finance > Fixed Assets Fixed Asset Id
Finance > Journal Entries Journal Entry Id

See also
Vendor Payment    Donation    Course    User    Ask    DAT   

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