The tuition and fees for (Re) Enrollment Contract are entered as Finance > Products > Products.

Tuition is a product usually associated with a (Re) Enrollment Contract Text Control which does not give the user a choice to select an amount.  The total amount of the tuition is specified in the product amount.  The deposit amount is specified in the Deposit menu portion of the same product.  Note:  You can use a product type of Default or Deposit.  For the purpose of the (Re) Enrollment Contract, both product types work the same.

Fees are products associated with (Re) Enrollment Contract Check Box Controls, (Re) Enrollment Contract Radio Button Controls, (Re) Enrollment Contract Transportation Controls, and (Re) Enrollment Contract Transportation Multi Controls.  The user choices are the additional fees included in the total amount on the (Re) Enrollment Contract.  The deposit amount for the (Re) Enrollment Contract is adjusted if the product specifies a deposit amount.  Note: If you want the user to pay the entire amount with the deposit, you have the option to set up the product in the Finance Portal such that the amount of the product is 0, but the deposit amount is the amount you want the user to pay when submitting the (Re) Enrollment Contract.  Typically, you would specify the full amount in the product amount and the deposit amount.

Note: If you have a fee and you want the user to pay a percentage of the fee with the deposit, set up the product in the Finance Portal such that the amount of the product is the total amount and the deposit amount is either the fixed amount you want the user to pay, or the percentage of the total amount that the user is to pay (the deposit amount would be less than or equal to 1 to specify a percentage payment).

The summary page at the end of the (Re) Enrollment Contract lists out the deposit amount for all products that are selected for the (Re) Enrollment Contract.  Financial aid is included as a negative amount in the summary.  If the financial aid product specifies a portion to be applied to deposits, then that portion will be calculated and applied in the Deposit Summary.

The Charges Summary shows the total tuition amount and all of the fees that have been selected. The financial aid award is displayed as a negative amount. The deposit amount is included in the Charges Summary amount if Include Deposit in Charges Summary is selected in (Re) Enrollment Contract Application Setup.

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