Roles are identifiers that give a user privileges to access different parts of the software. One person may have many roles associated with their user.  A “Full” role gives the user access to both view and modify information in the selected features, while a “Read” role only gives the user access to view the information in the selected features. 

Note:  If your school has not purchased specific features, then the roles to access those features may not be present either.

Listed below are the descriptions of all of the standard roles offered and what they allow the user to view or modify.  Note: You are able to create custom roles in the CMS website which you may apply to your users and use to limit access to custom pages within your CMS website.
Role Access
Actions Full, Actions Read These roles give access to Inquiry Actions, Student Actions, Student Attributes, Admissions Checklist, and Inquiry Evaluations. Note: You need roles granting access to a corresponding portal. Example: To access the Donor Track Actions in Development, you will need additional roles granting access to the Development portal. To access Student Health Actions, you will need additional roles granting access to the Health portal.
Admin Full, Admin Read These roles give access to the Admin portal. This includes access to students, attributes, households, teachers, homerooms, groups, assignments, and email history.
Admissions Evaluator This role gives access to the Admissions portal, and only provides limited access to portions of the Admissions > Evaluations menu. Note: This role is auto-calculated for a user when they are assigned as an Evaluator to an Inquiry under Admissions > Inquiry > Details > Evaluator.
Admissions Full, Admissions Read These roles Give access to the Admissions portal but do not include access covered by the Actions role (Inquiry Actions, Inquiry Forms, Inquiry Correspondence, and Test). Admissions Full role will also make the user available as an interviewer and have access to relevant email features and inquiry attributes.
Applicant This role is given to parent users who are in the process of applying through the apply online application. Note: This role is automatically applied to any user associated with a parent household having an inquiry record with a status other than "Copied".
ArchivalReports Read This role gives access to view the archived reports of students in the Admin portal.
Archiving Full This role gives access to the Archiving PDFs multi-action, Calculate Official Marks multi-action, the ability to edit or delete Archived PDFs from the database, Marking Period Info, GPA Settings, and Grade Conversion Chart.
Attendance Full, Attendance Read These roles add access to attendance and Attendance Full role gives access to relevant email features in the Admin portal.
CashRegister Full This role gives access as a Cash Register operator in the CMS website.
Comments Full, Comments Read These roles give access to the Report Card, Progress Report, and Interim comments in the Admin portal.
Contract Full, Contract Read These roles give administrative access to the (Re) Enrollment Contract. They give limited access to the Finance portal to allow for setting up contracts. Access includes Chart of Accounts, Customer Invoice Attributes, Products, Payment Terms, and Contracts.
DAT Full This role gives access to the DAT (Data Analytics Tool)
DBA Full, DBA Read Combined with other roles, these roles grant access to see, add, or modify options in drop-down boxes for those features you have full access to. Example: If a user has Admissions Full and DBA Full, they could add or modify dropdown items to admissions features only.
Delete Record This role gives access to delete health records in the Health portal and Households via multi-action.
Development Full, Development Read These roles give access to the Development portal.
Discipline Full, Discipline Read These roles add access to Discipline and Discipline Full role gives access to relevant email features in the Admin portal.
Faculty Full, Faculty Read These roles give access to the Teacher Portal.
Finance Full, Finance Read These roles give access to the Finance portal and viewing (Re) Enrollment Contracts in the Finance portal. Note: Additional roles are required to access specific portions of the finance portal such as the General Ledger. This role also gives access to add product attributes.
FinanceAccountMgr (Full, Read) Finance account managers will need this role in order to be assigned to accounts and to be able to view their accounts in Finance. The account managers DO NOT need the Finance Full or Finance Read role. The Finance Account Mgr Full role will allow the account managers to request a budget for their accounts.
FinanceAP Full, FinanceAP Read These roles give access to Accounts Payable portion of the Finance portal. You will need this along with Finance Full or Finance Read.
FinanceAPVendor Full, FinanceAPVendor Read These roles give access to vendors. Vendor biographical, address, and finance related information cannot be changed without the FinanceAPVendor Full role. You will need this along with a Finance Full or Finance Read role.
FinanceAR Full, FinanceAR Read These roles give access to Accounts Receivable portion of the Finance portal and FinanceAR Full role gives access to any relevant email features and customer attributes. You will need this along with Finance Full or Read.
FinanceBudget Full, FinanceBudget Read These roles give access to the Budget portion of the Finance portal. You will need this along with Finance Full or Read.
FinanceGL Full, Finance GL Read These roles give access to General Ledger portion of the Finance portal and allow you to post and void invoices and payments. You will need this along with Finance Full or Read.
FinancialAid Full, FinancialAid Read These roles give access to all functions within the Financial Aid portal and FinancialAid Full role gives access to any relevant email features.
Health Full, Health Read These roles give access to all functions within the Health portal and Health Full role gives access to any relevant email features.
Import This role gives access to use the import feature within each portal the user has access to. Example: If a user has Admin Full and Import, they would be able to perform any imports that are available in the Admin portal.
Marks Full, Marks Read These roles give access to Report Card, Progress, and Interim marks. They also give access to Historical Marks, Class Rank, and Honor Roll.
Parent This role gives access to the CMS Parent Portal. Note: This role is automatically applied to any user associated with a Parent household having a student with a status Enrolled for current year in any division. Note: Roles required to access a CMS page can be modified. The standard Parent Portal pages already require this role.
Parent NY This role can be used to give new families (with students enrolling in next year) limited access to the CMS Parent Portal. Note: This role is automatically applied to any user associated with a Parent household having a student with a status Enrolled for next year in any division. Note: Roles required to access a CMS page can be modified.
Phone Full This role gives access to the Home > Notification System menu option and to the "Text and Voice" option in the multi-action menu.
ReenrollmentForms Full This role gives administrative access to the (Re) Enrollment Forms.
Registrar Full, Registrar Read These roles give access to basic functions in the Registrar portal and Registrar Full role gives access to any relevant email features.
Scheduling Full, Scheduling Read These roles give access to all functions in the Scheduling portal.
Security Full, Security Read These roles give access to all functions with the Security portal including Roles, Access Codes, User Names, and Passwords for all PCR Educator portals. Security Full role also gives access to the phone/text configuration screen and user email features. Note: Security Full is necessary to access the Admin link on the CMS website.
Stored Payment Any portions of the Development and Finance Portals that are related to updating or using (ie processing payment) Stored Payments require users have this role.
Student This role gives access to the CMS Student Portal. Note: This role is automatically applied to any user directly associated with a student with a status Enrolled for current year in any division. Note: Roles required to access a CMS page can be modified. The standard Student Portal pages already require this role.
Student NY This role can be used to give new students (enrolling next year) limited access to the CMS Student Portal. Note: This role is automatically applied to any user directly associated with a student with a status Enrolled for next year in any division. Note: Roles required to access a CMS page can be modified.
Transport Read, Transport Full These roles give access to transportation information.
User This role is automatically applied to all users.
Website Full This role gives access to edit the Content on the CMS Website. Note: To have access to the Admin link your user must have the Security Full role.

Note: The roles that are automatically applied cannot be manually assigned or removed by users. They are automatically calculated and assigned to users to streamline access and permissions within the system.

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    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.