Donations may be entered by the contact through the CMS Website using Online Giving features or may be entered by development staff when Recording Donations One-at-a-time.  To configure a Pledge or Recurring Pledge to be automatically collected by PCR Educator and recorded in the system, specify a payment method using the desired Stored Payment Type and Payment Processor.  If payment information was provided by the contact, put in the new/updated payment information for the Stored Payment Type and Payment Processor.

If there is no suitable Stored Payment Type available, begin by Configuring Stored Payment Types.

Note: Automatic payments are processed overnight.

Note: If an automatic payment fails, then the error is recorded with the payment.  All payments can be reviewed by navigating to Development > Payments.  You need Development Read or Development Full roles to access this page.  

Note: Automatic payments may fail for many reasons, some of the most common include a Credit Card expiration.  The error column has a checkbox if an error occurred, and hovering the mouse pointer over the checkbox shows the error in a tooltip.  Note: Find the error in the DAT by building a query with Development > Scheduled Payments and include the “error” field.

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Please, make sure that all required fields (marked with *) are completed.
    School Name *
    Relation to School *
    Last Name *
    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Your Phone # *
    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.