Point of Sales (POS) allows for the purchase of products from a specific ledger.  Each Point of Sale (POS) uses  a separate Cash Register (POS) for a specific ledger.  There are various Purchase Options for existing students and staff based on an available balance with any difference made up with cash. Purchases may be made anonymously with cash payments.  Note: Anonymous purchases are recorded as Miscellaneous Receipts.  Purchases by students and staff are recorded as Accounts Receivable Invoices and Receipts.  All transactions are recorded according to the specified Ledger.  Example: Lunch Choices are recorded in a Lunch/Cafeteria ledger.  Note: a school may have several Cash Register (POS) stations within a ledger. For instance, three separate locations for school stores. However, separate types of Point of Sales (POS) stations generally belong to different ledgers. For example, a school may have a separate ledger for Lunch and for Online Store. The main criterion for deciding about separating a ledger involves balance considerations as statements and balance calculations are performed on per ledger basis.

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