1. Make sure that the settlement time matches the selected settlement time for deposits in your Payment Processor.  Settlement time can be specified in your payment configuration.  See Configuring Payment Configuration for more information.
2.. Update your Auto-Pay Configuration (Finance) to manage undeposited eCheck receipts.  See Configuring Payment Configuration for eCheck Receipts for more information. 
3. Navigate to AR > Receipts and search for receipts that are associated with the undeposited eCheck deposit.  Select the receipts that have been settled by your payment Processor and go to the multi-action > Update Deposits screen.  Select a “New Deposit” from the dropdown.  Enter a deposit description and date (of when these receipts are settled) and click save.
4. Check the deposited checkbox on the deposit details. The deposited indicator identifies that the receipts were deposited. Note: if you do not check the deposited indicator, the system will automatically check it for you when you post your deposit.
5. Post your deposit.  

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