Closing the school year is the process designed to finalize current school year academic activities and prepare the database for the new year. The Closing the School Year Wizard will walk you through the process.  For a webinar on closing the school year, please see the following video.

Note: The close of the school year needs to occur before the start of the next academic year. The school year may be closed at any point between when PCR Educator makes it available prior to the start of the next academic year.  

Note: If you are operating a Summer Camp in PCR Educator, then you will wait to close the school year until after Summer Camp has finished.  

Note: In general, closing the school year is required for any school that is using the Student Management System (any features related to managing students).

Note:  If you wish to share next year schedules in the CMS Parent/Student Portals prior to closing the school year, the widget properties can be switched to show the next year schedules.

Note:  Closing the School Year is a one-time process that affects every division in the school. There should be one person at the school who coordinates and performs the Closing of the School Year for the entire school. While the Academic Divisions are most affected, the school-based coordinator should understand the process and should ensure that ALL divisions are ready before proceeding.

Note:  Each summer, PCR Educator will open the “Close School Year” for advancing to the new academic year.

Note:  Closing Finance Fiscal Years operate independently of Closing the School Year.  Finance can close their Fiscal Years at their discretion.  

Closing the School Year Wizard
Closing the School Year Checklist
    - Closing the School Year Archive Individual Student Reports
    - Closing the School Year Copy Scheduling Data
    - Closing the School Year Set Next Year Student Fields
    - Closing the School Year Update Status/Substatus for Next Year
    - Closing the School Year Enroll Incoming Students
    - Closing the School Year Adjust the Parent Portal and Student Portal
    - Closing the School Year Confirm Teacher Categories
    - Closing the School Year Set BC Trax Month Field (BC Schools Only)
Closing the School Year Schedule Next Year
Closing the School Year Fix Different Courses with the Same Name
Closing the School Year Confirm Include on Transcript 
Closing the School Year Review Orphaned Grades
Closing the School Year Review Grades to History 
Closing the School Year Review Attendance to History 
Closing the School Year Fix Overlapping Marking Periods
Closing the School Year Review Users
Closing the School Year Request Closing 
Closing the School Year Close the Database Year Step
Closing the School Year Review Post-Close Checklist 

Schedule Demo

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    School Name *
    Relation to School *
    Last Name *
    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Your Phone # *
    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.