Follow the steps for Importing New Records.
Field Required Type Sample Values Notes
Inquiry_Id Yes if Inquiry_Last_Name and Inquiry_First_Name are unspecified Identifier "1234"
Inquiry_Last_Name Yes if Inquiry_Id is unspecified. Lookup "John"
Inquiry_First_name Yes if Inquiry_Id is unspecified Lookup "Doe"
Inquiry_School_Id Yes Identifier "1" School Id that the action is associated with.
Academic_Year Yes Datasource Data "20202021" No slashes or hyphens in the number.
Action_Type Yes, if Action_Description is unspecified Identifier "1" This is the id for the action type. Use Action_Description instead.
Action_Description Yes, if Action_Type is unspecified Lookup "Accepted"
Action_Date Yes Date "2020/01/15"
Comment No Text
Action_Applying_For_Grade No Datasource Data 11 If this is unspecified, the inquiry's applying for grade is used. Matches against the grade level Description.
Interviewer_Name No, unless Interviewer_Time is specified Lookup "John Doe" Matches against the Display name for security users. The user must have an Admissions role.
Interviewer_Time No, unless Interviewer_Name is specified Text "4:15 pm"
Event_Id No, unless Attendee_Count is specified Identifier "1" The action must be associated with an event category associated with the event.
Attendee_Count No, unless Event_Id is specified Integer "2"

See also
Importing New Records    Grade Level    Action    User    DAT   

Schedule Demo

Please, make sure that all required fields (marked with *) are completed.
    School Name *
    Relation to School *
    Last Name *
    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Your Phone # *
    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.