Follow the steps for Importing New Records

Field Required Type Sample Value Notes
Financial_Aid_Category_Id No Key ID Field "123"  
Academic_Year Yes Datasource Data "20232024" Must match an existing academic year in the database
Financial_Aid_Category_Type Yes Lookup "Merit" Each combination with academic_Year Must be unique.
Budget No Integer "50000"  
Product_Id No Identifier "567" If specified, it must match a valid product ID in the database.

See also

Schedule Demo

Please, make sure that all required fields (marked with *) are completed.
    School Name *
    Relation to School *
    Last Name *
    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Your Phone # *
    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.