To add a new Payment Configuration record, navigate to Security > Maintenance > Payment Configurations.  You need Security Full or Security Read roles to access the Security portal and the DBA Full role to access the Payment Configuration page. Choose the Payment Processor from the New Payment Configuration drop down. 

Settlement Time is the time of day the payment processor picks up transactions for settlement. Note: The Settlement Time should match the time specified in your payment processor for the purpose of Reconciling Deposits With Payment Processor.
Processor Description is a description identifying the payment configuration.  Note: You may have separate payment configurations to accept donations and tuition payments.

For Authorize.Net, enter a Login and Transaction Key provided by Authorize.Net.  PCR Educator does not have this information.

For Network Merchants, enter a Login and Password provided by Network Merchants.  PCR Educator does not have this information.

For PaySimple, enter the API Key and Username provided by PaySimple.  PCR Educator does not have this information.

For L19, enter the Account Number, Configuration Id, and the Secret key provided by L19.  PCR Educator does not have this information. 

For Moneris, enter a Store ID and API Token provided by Moneris.  PCR Educator does not have this information.

For Payment Systems Worldwide, enter a Login and Password provided by Payment Systems Worldwide.  PCR Educator does not have this information.

Note:  Be careful about deleting Payment Configurations as they may be used by (Re) Enrollment Contract or the CMS website.

Note: After adding a new Payment Configuration, specify it in the Application Setup (CMS/Website), payment submit widgets on the CMS Website, and in the (Re) Enrollment Contract Invoice / Payment Setup.

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    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.