
Application Guides


Data Conversion


A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Charging Echeck Processing Fees
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Automation
Enhancing Admissions Decisions with PCR Educator's Innovative Support and Analytics
FAQ: How to close Apply Online and prevent new applications?
FAQ: How to suppress blank merge fields
From Inquiry to Enrollment: PCR Educator's Seamless Process
How can I change the line items on the Summary Page in the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
How can I help a parent who receives an error message when filling out our Inquiry Form?
How do you manually add an Inquiry from the Admissions Portal?
How to manually add siblings in Admissions?
PCR Educator Streamlines Enrollment and Strengthens Connections
PCR Educator Transforming School Outreach and Communication through Customization and Automation
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
Q & A: Can we create custom fields in PCR Educator?
Reflecting School Admissions Application Fees in Finance Portal
Reviewing Inquiry Actions From Admin Portal
Streamlining School Admissions with PCR Educator's Personalized Guidance
What does it mean when I receive an error in my email for the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
Why am I not taken to the payment screen before the (Re) Enrollment Contract is submitted?
Why am I receiving an error when trying to submit the (Re) Enrollment Contract from the payment page?
Why are duplicate emails being sent out on our Apply Online submit?
Why are the drop downs in Finance > Contracts > Student Contracts - Options Selected showing the same option multiple times for (Re) Enrollment Contracts?
Why do I not see the new action types I created in (Re) Enrollment Contract > Settings?
Why is a graduated or withdrawn student is showing when a parent logs into the (Re) Enrollment Contract application?
Why is a student not showing when a parent logs in to the (Re) Enrollment Contract application?
Why is my (Re) Enrollment Contract header banner running off the side of the page?
Why is My Teacher Recommendation Form Blank?
Why is the student's financial aid not showing in the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
Why is there is extra space between paragraphs on the PDF version of my (Re) Enrollment Contract?


(Re) Enrollment Contract
(Re) Enrollment Contract Admissions Enrolling for Contract Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Application Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Check Box Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Cleaning Control Options for Students
(Re) Enrollment Contract Confirmation Email Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Control Option
(Re) Enrollment Contract Date Stamp Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Enrollment Options Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Financial Aid Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Holds
(Re) Enrollment Contract Impersonate
(Re) Enrollment Contract Instructions
(Re) Enrollment Contract Integrity
(Re) Enrollment Contract Invoice / Payment Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Overrides
(Re) Enrollment Contract Payment Options Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Pre-Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile Alternatives
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile Configuration
(Re) Enrollment Contract Radio Button Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Section
(Re) Enrollment Contract Settings
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signing
(Re) Enrollment Contract Statistics
(Re) Enrollment Contract Text Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Transportation Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Transportation Multi Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Tuition, Fees, and Deposits
(Re) Enrollment Contract Webinar - Part I
(Re) Enrollment Contract Webinar - Part II
(Re) Enrollment Contract Year to Year
A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Action Category
Admissions - Videos
Admissions Checklist
Admissions Checklist Action
Admissions Event
Admissions Event Category
Admissions Records: Inquiry vs Applicant
AI Prerequisites
Announcing Support for Pronouns
Annual Forms
Application Setup
Application Setup (CMS/Website)
Apply Online Academic Years
Apply Online Webinar Part 1
Apply Online Webinar Part 2
Applying Enrollment Profile
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiries in Bulk
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry Through (Re) Enrollment Contract
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry Through Summer Camp
Applying Enrollment Profile to Student Through (Re) Enrollment Contract
Applying Enrollment Profile to Students in Bulk
Assigning Evaluator
Assigning Evaluator - Bulk
Attribute Category
Calculated Attribute
Charging Echeck Processing Fees
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Automation
Configuring Action
Configuring Action (Evaluation Sections)
Configuring Admissions Event
Configuring Enrollment Profile
Configuring Enrollment Profile (Division-centric)
Configuring Enrollment Profile (Hybrid)
Configuring Enrollment Profile (School-centric)
Configuring Evaluation
Configuring Evaluation Dashboard
Correspondence Records Consolidated to Actions
Creating Attribute
Creating Attribute Category
Enhanced Family Engagement and Efficiency through Customizable Forms and Smart Automation
Enrolling Inquiries
Enrollment Profile
Enrollment Profile Scenarios
From Inquiry to Enrollment: PCR Educator's Seamless Process
Grade Level
How St. George’s School Streamlined Their Admissions Process with PCR Educator
Inquiry Action Delete Multi-action
Inquiry Action List
Inquiry Action Mark Completed Multi-action
Managing Evaluator
Navigating the Admissions Process with PCR Educator
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
Q & A: Can we create custom fields in PCR Educator?
Q & A: Evergreen Contract
Recording Attribute
Recording Attribute - Bulk
Recording Attribute - Individual
Recording Inquiry Action
Recording Inquiry Action - Bulk
Recording Inquiry Action - by Evaluator
Recording Inquiry Action - Individual
Recording Student Action
Recording Student Action - Bulk
Recording Student Action - Individual
Recording Student Evaluation
Reflecting School Admissions Application Fees in Finance Portal
Removing Evaluator
Removing Evaluator - Bulk
Reviewing Inquiry Actions From Admin Portal
Roles Dictionary
School Division
School Info
Score Type
Scoring Category
Start Uploading Files to New Application Evaluations
Student Action
Transform Your School Operations with PCR Educator: A Seamless Journey from Inquiry to Enrollment
Transformative Decision-Making in Admissions with PCR Educator
Translate your CRM Portals
Update: Admissions Inquiries/Applicants
Update: Contextual Help
Update: Inactive Actions
Update: Inquiry/Student Actions File Upload Control
Update: Number Of Records
Updating (Re) Enrollment Contract Year to Year
Verifying (Re) Enrollment Contract Profile

Records and Data Entry

A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Action Category
Admissions - Videos
Admissions Checklist
Admissions Checklist Action
Admissions Event
Admissions Event Category
Admissions Status by Division Announcement 2
Admissions Status by Division Announcement 3
Admissions Status by Division Announcement 4
Advancing Admissions Records
Advancing Admissions Records - Current Academic Year
Advancing Admissions Records - Next Academic Year
Annual Forms
Application Setup
Application Setup (CMS/Website)
Apply Online Webinar Part 1
Apply Online Webinar Part 2
Applying Enrollment Profile
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiries in Bulk
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry Through (Re) Enrollment Contract
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry Through Summer Camp
Applying Enrollment Profile to Student Through (Re) Enrollment Contract
Applying Enrollment Profile to Students in Bulk
Assigning Evaluator
Assigning Evaluator - Bulk
Attribute Category
Calculated Attribute
Charging Echeck Processing Fees
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Automation
Configuring Action
Configuring Action (Evaluation Sections)
Configuring Admissions Event
Configuring Admissions Event Sign-up Process
Configuring Admissions Recommendations Process
Configuring Enrollment Profile
Configuring Enrollment Profile (Division-centric)
Configuring Enrollment Profile (Hybrid)
Configuring Enrollment Profile (School-centric)
Configuring Evaluation
Creating Attribute
Creating Attribute Category
DAT API - Get DAT Export
DAT API - Get DAT Parameters
DAT API - Get DAT Queries
Enrolling Inquiries
Enrollment Profile
Enrollment Profile Scenarios
Gender Inclusive Pronouns
Grade Level
Importing New Records - Evaluations
Importing New Records - Staff
Importing New Records - Student Courses
Inquiry Action Delete Multi-action
Inquiry Action List
Inquiry Action Mark Completed Multi-action
Managing Evaluator
Merging Duplicate Inquiries
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
PCR Educator: Revolutionizing Enrollment and Enhancing Family Connections
Q & A: Can we create custom fields in PCR Educator?
Recording Attribute
Recording Attribute - Bulk
Recording Attribute - Individual
Recording Inquiry Action
Recording Inquiry Action - Bulk
Recording Inquiry Action - by Evaluator
Recording Inquiry Action - Individual
Recording Student Action
Recording Student Action - Bulk
Recording Student Action - Individual
Recording Student Evaluation
Reflecting School Admissions Application Fees in Finance Portal
Removing Evaluator
Removing Evaluator - Bulk
Reviewing Inquiry Actions From Admin Portal
Roles Dictionary
Sample Templates
School Division
School Info
Score Type
Scoring Category
Start Uploading Files to New Application Evaluations
Status/Substatus Calculation
Status/Substatus Calculation - Financial Aid
Status/Substatus Calculation - Inquiry
Status/Substatus Calculation - Student
Student Action
Text and Voice Communication
Update: Number Of Records

Reporting and Data Analytics

Application Guides

Application Guides

(Re) Enrollment Contract
(Re) Enrollment Contract Checklist
Campus Basic Webinar
Campus Basic Webinar 2
Campus Basic Webinar 2022 - Part 1
Closing the School Year
Closing the School Year (2021)
Closing the School Year Adjust the Parent Portal and Student Portal
Closing the School Year Archive Individual Student Reports
Closing the School Year Checklist
Closing the School Year Close the Database Year Step
Closing the School Year Confirm Include on Transcript
Closing the School Year Confirm Teacher Categories
Closing the School Year Copy Scheduling Data
Closing the School Year Enroll Incoming Students
Closing the School Year Fix Different Courses with the Same Name
Closing the School Year Fix Overlapping Marking Periods
Closing the School Year Request Closing
Closing the School Year Review Attendance to History
Closing the School Year Review Grades to History
Closing the School Year Review Orphaned Grades
Closing the School Year Review Post-Close Checklist
Closing the School Year Review Users
Closing the School Year Schedule Next Year
Closing the School Year Set BC Trax Month Field (BC Schools Only)
Closing the School Year Set Next Year Student Fields
Closing the School Year Update Status/Substatus for Next Year
Closing the School Year Webinar 2022
Closing the School Year Wizard
DAT - Webinar
DAT Filter
DAT Query
Earn Date Revenue Recognition
End of School Year Checklist
Forms for Staff, Households, Customers, Vendors, and Donors!
Google Classroom Integration
New Feature: Flexible Revenue Recognition
Notification Trigger
Roles Dictionary
Status/Substatus Calculation
Testing Payment Configuration




Records and Data Entry

Reporting and Data Analytics

Data Analytics

Application Guides


Data Conversion



Records and Data Entry

Reporting and Data Analytics

Accessing DAT Query
Adding DAT Filter Condition
Attendance Roster PDF Discontinued
CMS Widget - Report Runner
CMS Widget - Simple Report Runner
CMS Widgets - Reporting Options
Communicating User Login and Known Password
Creating New DAT Filter
Creating New DAT Query
DAT - (Re) Enrollment Data Structure
DAT - Admissions Evaluations Data Structure
DAT - Admissions Inquiries Data Structure
DAT - Admissions Inquiry Action Types Data Structure
DAT - Admissions Inquiry Actions Data Structure
DAT - Assessments Data Structure
DAT - Attendance Data Structure
DAT - Basic Student Data Structure
DAT - Check In / Check Out Data Structure
DAT - Comment Bank Data Structure
DAT - Comments Data Structure
DAT - Common Student Tables: Actions
DAT - Common Student Tables: Households
DAT - Common Student Tables: Statuses
DAT - Creating Templates
DAT - Development Data Structure
DAT - Finance AP Data Structure
DAT - Finance AR Customer Statement Data Structure
DAT - Finance AR Data Structure
DAT - Financial Aid Data Structure
DAT - Lunch Choices Data Structure
DAT - Marks Data Structure
DAT - Printing Results
DAT - Scheduling Data Structure
DAT - Using Templates
DAT - Webinar
DAT API - Get DAT Export
DAT API - Get DAT Parameters
DAT API - Get DAT Queries
DAT Calculated/Aggregate Field Condition
DAT Chart
DAT Chart - Step 5
DAT Column Order - Step 3
DAT Dashboard Element
DAT Development Webinar Meeting Link
DAT Diagrams
DAT Display Field
DAT Enrollment Webinar Meeting Link
DAT Field Condition
DAT Fields - Step 2
DAT Fields - Step 2 - Adding Calculated Field
DAT Fields - Step 2 - Aggregating
DAT Fields - Step 2 - Customizing Display Fields Appearance
DAT Fields - Step 2 - Pivoting
DAT Fields - Step 2 - Sorting
DAT Fields - Step 2 - Totaling
DAT Fields - Step 2 - Uniqueness
DAT Filter
DAT Functional Operator
DAT Grid
DAT Group
DAT Key Id Field
DAT Multi-Action
DAT Operator
DAT Parameterized Condition
DAT Query
DAT Query - Step 1
DAT Query - Step 1 - Adding Conditions
DAT Query - Step 1 - Choosing Initial Table
DAT Query - Step 1 - Connecting Tables
DAT Query - Step 1 - Selecting Display Fields
DAT Query and DAT Filter Common Mistakes
DAT Results - Step 4
DAT Save - Step 6
DAT Webinar - (Re) Enrollment
DAT Webinar - Admin/Admissions
DAT Webinar - Attendance
DAT Webinar - Basics
DAT Webinar - Development
DAT Webinar - Development Level I
DAT Webinar - Finance
DAT Webinar - Scheduling
Deleting DAT Filter
Development DAT Webinar
FAQ: Who Gets the New IRS 1099-NEC Form?
Google SSO (Single Sign-On)
Google SSO (Single Sign-On) - Campus
Google SSO (Single Sign-On) - CMS Portal
Identifying Discrepancy in Accounts Receivable Reconciliation
Initializing DAT Filter
Initializing DAT Filter from DAT Query
Initializing DAT Filter from List
Managing DAT Filter
Managing DAT Filter Conditions
Migrating DMT to DAT
New Feature: Flexible Revenue Recognition
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
PCR Educator: Launching SOAP API
Period Attendance Not Taken PDF Report
Period Attendance Not Taken PDF Report
Period Attendance Not Taken PDF Report
Printing 1096
Printing 1099
Printing 1099 and 1096 for Tax Year 2020
Reviewing Existing DAT Filter
Reviewing Existing DMT Filter
Saving DAT Filter
Standard Query: [Admin] Add/Drops
Standard Query: [Admin] Attendance by Day
Standard Query: [Admin] Attendance Details
Standard Query: [Admin] Courses Without Report Card Mark Types
Standard Query: [Admin] Daily Attendance
Standard Query: [Admin] Dropped Classes
Standard Query: [Admin] Enrolled Students with Grandparent Households
Standard Query: [Admin] Enrolled Students with Parent Households
Standard Query: [Admin] Historical Attendance
Standard Query: [Admin] Interim Comments
Standard Query: [Admin] Interim Marks
Standard Query: [Admin] Notification Recipients
Standard Query: [Admin] Orphaned Period Attendance
Standard Query: [Admin] Parent Teacher Conferences by Household
Standard Query: [Admin] Parent Teacher Conferences by Student
Standard Query: [Admin] Parents of Alumni
Standard Query: [Admin] Period Attendance Not Taken
Standard Query: [Admin] Period Attendance Taken
Standard Query: [Admin] Present and Absent for a Day
Standard Query: [Admin] Report Card Statuses
Standard Query: [Admin] Report Card Statuses by Department
Standard Query: [Admin] Staff who are Current Parents
Standard Query: [Admin] Student Barcodes
Standard Query: [Admin] Student Evaluation Results
Standard Query: [Admin] Student Historical Marks
Standard Query: [Admin] Students Per Grade Level
Standard Query: [Admin] Students Per School
Standard Query: [Admin] Students Per School Division
Standard Query: [Admissions] Applicants with Households
Standard Query: [Admissions] Diversity Report
Standard Query: [Admissions] Evaluation Results
Standard Query: [Admissions] Inquiries w/Evaluators
Standard Query: [Admissions] Inquiries w/o Evaluators
Standard Query: [Admissions] Inquiry Action Statistics
Standard Query: [Admissions] Inquiry Action Statistics Totals
Standard Query: [Admissions] Totals by Grade Level/Gender
Standard Query: [Admissions] Totals by Status/Substatus
Standard Query: [Admissions] Totals by Zip Code
Standard Query: [Comments] Staff Comments
Standard Query: [Development] $0 - $499 Contacts
Standard Query: [Development] $1001 - $5000 Contacts
Standard Query: [Development] $5,000+ Contacts
Standard Query: [Development] $500 - $1000 Contacts
Standard Query: [Development] LYBNT
Standard Query: [Development] Notification Recipients
Standard Query: [Finance] Daily Deposit Total by Account
Standard Query: [Finance] Monthly Account Activity
Standard Query: [Scheduling] Block List - Today
Standard Query: [Scheduling] Next Year Section Enrolled Totals by Next Grade Level
Update DAT
Verifying 1099
Why is my DAT Query or DAT Filter slow?


Application Guides


Data Conversion



Action Category
AI Prerequisites
Application Setup
Application Setup (CMS/Website)
Ask Action
Ask Attribute
Ask Team
Ask Track
Ask Track Action
Assigning Moves Management Track
Attribute Category
Automated Payment Processing (Development)
Calculated Attribute
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Automation
Configuring Action
Configuring Flags
Configuring Payment Configuration
Configuring Stored Payment Type
Contact Records Generation
Creating Ask
Creating Ask - Bulk
Creating Ask - Individual
Creating Ask Team
Creating Attribute
Creating Attribute Category
Creating Moves Management Track
Custom Flagging for Improved Student and Household Tracking
Deceased Date Update
Development - Videos
Development/Advancement Important Update
Excluding Records from Contact List
Moves Management Track
New Update Brings a Simple Solution For Parents to Change Payment Plans
Online Donation
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
Printing Tax Receipt (Development)
Propel Your School’s Web Presence into The Next Generation With Google Analytics 4
Recording Action using Moves Management Track
Recording Ask Result
Recording Attribute
Recording Attribute - Bulk
Recording Attribute - Individual
Roles Dictionary
Sample Ask Moves Management Track
Update: Contextual Help
Updating Stored Payment Info: Development Portal
Voiding Tax Receipts (Development)

Records and Data Entry

Action Category
Alumni Wizard
Alumni Wizard - Assigning Parent Household Attributes
Alumni Wizard - Assigning Student Household Attributes
Alumni Wizard - Creating Student Household
Application Setup
Application Setup (CMS/Website)
Ask Action
Ask Attribute
Ask Team
Ask Track
Ask Track Action
Assigning Moves Management Track
Attribute Category
Automated Payment Processing (Development)
Calculated Attribute
Campaign Type
Campaign/Fund Association
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Automation
Configuring Action
Configuring Flags
Configuring Payment Configuration
Configuring Stored Payment Type
Contact Address
Contact Attribute Categories and Attributes Sample Configuration
Contact Award
Contact Financial Information
Contact Records Generation
Contact Relationship
Contact Type
Creating Ask
Creating Ask - Bulk
Creating Ask - Individual
Creating Ask Team
Creating Attribute
Creating Attribute Category
Creating Campaign
Creating Fund
Creating Moves Management Track
Custom Flagging for Improved Student and Household Tracking
DAT API - Get DAT Export
DAT API - Get DAT Parameters
DAT API - Get DAT Queries
Development - Videos
Development DAT Webinar
Development Updates
Development/Advancement Important Update
Donation Types
Donor Action
Excluding Records from Contact List
Funds/GL Account Mapping
Generating Tax Receipt Record (Development)
Moves Management Track
New Update Brings a Simple Solution For Parents to Change Payment Plans
Payment Configuration
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
Pledge Write-Off
Printing Tax Receipt (Development)
Recording Action using Moves Management Track
Recording Ask Result
Recording Attribute
Recording Attribute - Bulk
Recording Attribute - Individual
Recording Development Activity in Finance
Recording Development Activity in Finance through Journal Entries
Recording Donations in Bulk
Recording Donations One-at-a-time
Recording Soft Credit
Roles Dictionary
Sample Templates
Soft Credit
Stored Payment Info
Stored Payment Type
Tax Receipt Record (Development)
Voiding Tax Receipts (Development)

Reporting and Data Analytics


Application Guides


Data Conversion


A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Charging Echeck Processing Fees
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Automation
FAQ: How to suppress blank merge fields
FAQ: Recognizing Revenue on a Payment Plan
FAQ: Who Gets the New IRS 1099-NEC Form?
Finance - Monthly Closing
How can I change the line items on the Summary Page in the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
How can I manually apply Financial Aid Awards to Customer Invoices?
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
Reflecting School Admissions Application Fees in Finance Portal
Testing Payment Configuration
Verifying 1099
What does it mean when I receive an error in my email for the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
Why am I not taken to the payment screen before the (Re) Enrollment Contract is submitted?
Why am I receiving an error when trying to submit the (Re) Enrollment Contract from the payment page?
Why are the drop downs in Finance > Contracts > Student Contracts - Options Selected showing the same option multiple times for (Re) Enrollment Contracts?
Why can't a user access the Finance portal?
Why do I not see the new action types I created in (Re) Enrollment Contract > Settings?
Why is a graduated or withdrawn student is showing when a parent logs into the (Re) Enrollment Contract application?
Why is a student not showing when a parent logs in to the (Re) Enrollment Contract application?
Why is my (Re) Enrollment Contract header banner running off the side of the page?
Why is the student's financial aid not showing in the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
Why is there is extra space between paragraphs on the PDF version of my (Re) Enrollment Contract?


(Re) Enrollment Contract
(Re) Enrollment Contract - Videos
(Re) Enrollment Contract Admissions Enrolling for Contract Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Application Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Check Box Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Checklist
(Re) Enrollment Contract Cleaning Control Options for Students
(Re) Enrollment Contract Confirmation Email Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Control Option
(Re) Enrollment Contract Date Stamp Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Enrollment Options Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Financial Aid Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Holds
(Re) Enrollment Contract Impersonate
(Re) Enrollment Contract Instructions
(Re) Enrollment Contract Integrity
(Re) Enrollment Contract Invoice / Payment Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Overrides
(Re) Enrollment Contract Payment Options Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Pre-Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile Alternatives
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile Configuration
(Re) Enrollment Contract Radio Button Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Section
(Re) Enrollment Contract Settings
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signing
(Re) Enrollment Contract Statistics
(Re) Enrollment Contract Text Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Transportation Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Transportation Multi Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Tuition, Fees, and Deposits
(Re) Enrollment Contract Webinar - Part I
(Re) Enrollment Contract Webinar - Part II
(Re) Enrollment Contract Year to Year
A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Action Category
Adding / Dropping Course Student Billing
Adding Course - Invoice
AI Prerequisites
AP Aging Report Update
AP Invoice
Application Setup
Application Setup (CMS/Website)
Attribute Category
Automated Payment Processing (Finance)
Auto-Pay Configuration (Finance)
Auto-Pay Results (Finance)
Calculated Attribute
Charging Echeck Processing Fees
Chart Layout
Chart of Accounts
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Automation
CMS Portal: Stored Payment Info Management Widget
Configuring Action
Configuring Flags
Configuring Payment Configuration
Configuring Stored Payment Type
Copying Chart Layout
Copying/Deleting/Editing Chart Layout
Creating Attribute
Creating Attribute Category
Creating Chart Layout
Custom Flagging for Improved Student and Household Tracking
Deleting Chart Layout
Dropping Course - Refund
Dropping Course - Reversing Discount
Earn Date Revenue Recognition
Editing Chart Layout
Entering AR Invoice
Entering AR Invoice - in Bulk
Entering AR Invoice - Individually
FAQ: Who Gets the New IRS 1099-NEC Form?
Finance Unearned / Deferred Revenue
Finance Update: Customers
Finance/Student Billing - Videos
Generating AR Invoice Automatically
Generating Finance Charges for AR Invoices
GL Account
GL Account Category / Account Type
GL Account Mapping
Grade Level
How to enroll a new student without having the parent submit an Enrollment Contract?
Managing Credit Cards
New Feature: Finance Pay to Name Field
New Feature: Flexible Revenue Recognition
New Update Brings a Simple Solution For Parents to Change Payment Plans
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
Posting Financial Records to the General Ledger
Printing - [Finance] Customer Invoice
Printing - [Finance] Customer Receipt
Purchase Option
Recording Attribute
Recording Attribute - Bulk
Recording Attribute - Individual
Reflecting School Admissions Application Fees in Finance Portal
Roles Dictionary
School Division
School Info
School Info (Finance)
Student Purchase Option
Teacher Purchase Option
Update: CMS Purchase Orders
Update: Contextual Help
Update: Finance Menu Change
Update: Finance Student Contracts
Update: New Copy Function
Update: Number Of Records
Updating (Re) Enrollment Contract Year to Year
Updating Stored Payment Info
Updating Stored Payment Info: (Re) Enrollment Contract
Updating Stored Payment Info: Activity Sign-Ups
Updating Stored Payment Info: CMS Portal
Updating Stored Payment Info: Finance Portal
Updating Stored Payment Info: Online Donations
Using Chart Layout
Verifying (Re) Enrollment Contract Profile
Why can't a user access the Finance portal?

Records and Data Entry

(Re) Enrollment Contract - Videos
A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Accounts Receivable Reconciliation
Action Category
Adding / Dropping Course Student Billing
Adding Course - Invoice
Allocating AR Receipt/Credit - Bulk
Allocating AR Receipt/Credit - Individual
AP Check Register Print Update
AP Invoice
Application Setup
Application Setup (CMS/Website)
Applying Financial Aid Awards as Customer Credits
Applying Financial Aid Awards to Customer Invoices as Line Items
Assigning Budget Managers to Finance Accounts
Attribute Category
Automated Payment Processing
Automated Payment Processing (Finance)
Auto-Pay Configuration (Finance)
Auto-Pay Results (Finance)
Balance Calculation
Balance Calculation - By Customer
Balance Calculation - By Student
Balance Calculation Scenarios
Budget Manager
Budget Manager Purchase Order Item Approval
Calculated Attribute
Charging Echeck Processing Fees
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Automation
Configuring Action
Configuring Flags
Configuring Payment Configuration
Configuring Stored Payment Type
Creating Attribute
Creating Attribute Category
Creating Ledger
Credit Balances Available Online for Parents
Custom Flagging for Improved Student and Household Tracking
Customer Balance Configuration
DAT API - Get DAT Export
DAT API - Get DAT Parameters
DAT API - Get DAT Queries
Dropping Course - Refund
Dropping Course - Reversing Discount
Entering AR Invoice
Entering AR Invoice - in Bulk
Entering AR Invoice - Individually
FAQ: Who Gets the New IRS 1099-NEC Form?
Finance Unearned / Deferred Revenue
Finance/Student Billing - Videos
Financial Aid Categories
Generating AR Invoice Automatically
Generating Finance Charges for AR Invoices
Grade Level
Handling Voided Receipts on Deposits
How can I manually apply Financial Aid Awards to Customer Invoices?
How to enroll a new student without having the parent submit an Enrollment Contract?
Identifying Discrepancy in Accounts Receivable Reconciliation
Importing New Records - Addresses
Importing New Records - Financial Aid Awards
Importing New Records - Vendor Invoice Items
Managing Credit Cards
Migrating Deposits (including receipts)
Migrating Invoices, Credits, Journal Entries between Ledgers
Migrating Other (Invoices, Credits, Journal Entries)
Migrating Payments
New Update Brings a Simple Solution For Parents to Change Payment Plans
New Vendor Roles Announcement
Payment Configuration
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
Posting Financial Records to the General Ledger
Processing Returned Customer Payments
Purchase Option
Purchase Order Status
Reconciling Account Balances between Ledgers
Reconciling Credit Card Deposits with Payment Processor
Reconciling Customer Balance to A/R Aging Report
Reconciling Customer Balance to General Ledger
Reconciling Deposits with Payment Gateway
Reconciling Deposits with Payment Processor
Reconciling eCheck Deposits with Payment Processor
Recording Attribute
Recording Attribute - Bulk
Recording Attribute - Individual
Recording Credit Card Payment from Bank Account
Recording Development Activity in Finance
Recording Development Activity in Finance through Journal Entries
Recording Development Activity in Finance through Journal Entries - Reconciliation
Recording Vendor Payment
Recording Vendor Payments from Invoices
Recording Vendor Payments from Payments Screen
Recording Vendor Payments from Vendors
Recording Vendor Payments in Bulk
Reflecting School Admissions Application Fees in Finance Portal
Refunding Customer
Refunding Customer Payment Shortcut
Refunding Customer Receipt
Returned Customer Payment
Roles Dictionary
School Division
School Info
School Info (Finance)
Stored Payment Info
Stored Payment Type
Student Purchase Option
Summer School/Summer Camp - Videos
Teacher Purchase Option
Text and Voice Communication
Unallocated AR Receipt/Credit
Update: Number Of Records
Vendor Payment
Verifying 1099
Voiding Returned Customer Payment
Writing Checks

Reporting and Data Analytics


Application Guides


Data Conversion



Records and Data Entry

Reporting and Data Analytics


Application Guides


Data Conversion



Records and Data Entry

Reporting and Data Analytics


Application Guides

(Re) Enrollment Contract
(Re) Enrollment Contract Checklist
Campus Basic Webinar
Campus Basic Webinar 2
Campus Basic Webinar 2022 - Part 1
Closing the School Year
Closing the School Year (2021)
Closing the School Year Adjust the Parent Portal and Student Portal
Closing the School Year Archive Individual Student Reports
Closing the School Year Checklist
Closing the School Year Close the Database Year Step
Closing the School Year Confirm Include on Transcript
Closing the School Year Confirm Teacher Categories
Closing the School Year Copy Scheduling Data
Closing the School Year Enroll Incoming Students
Closing the School Year Fix Different Courses with the Same Name
Closing the School Year Fix Overlapping Marking Periods
Closing the School Year Request Closing
Closing the School Year Review Attendance to History
Closing the School Year Review Grades to History
Closing the School Year Review Orphaned Grades
Closing the School Year Review Post-Close Checklist
Closing the School Year Review Users
Closing the School Year Schedule Next Year
Closing the School Year Set BC Trax Month Field (BC Schools Only)
Closing the School Year Set Next Year Student Fields
Closing the School Year Update Status/Substatus for Next Year
Closing the School Year Webinar 2022
Closing the School Year Wizard
DAT - Webinar
End of School Year Checklist
Forms for Staff, Households, Customers, Vendors, and Donors!
Google Classroom Integration
Notification Trigger
Roles Dictionary
Status/Substatus Calculation


4 seconds for Daily Health Check-in
Admissions Status by Division Announcement
Annual Forms
Are You Ready to Outsource These Tasks to Machine Learning?
Boost Your Growth Potential with Google Tag Manager
Close of the School Year 2019 Announcement
Close of the School Year 2019 Announcement
Close of the School Year 2020 Announcement
Creating Notification Trigger
Edit Filter Announcement
Elevate Your Summer Camp Experience
Email Issue with Chrome Extension Grammarly
Enable Convenience Fees for eCheck Enrollment Payments Today
FAQ: How to suppress blank merge fields
Forms for Staff, Households, Customers, Vendors, and Donors!
Frequently Suggested Feature Makes its Way to Our SIS
Gender Inclusive Pronouns
Google Classroom Integration Announcement
Infrastructure Upgrade Brings Host of New Features
Localized DNS Issues
Navigate Annual Forms with Ease
Never Miss an Update With PCR Educator’s Email Notification System
Notification Trigger
Notification Trigger - Birthday (Household/Contact/Customer)
Notification Trigger - Student
Notification Trigger - Student Drop Box Teacher Feedback
Notification Trigger - Student Gradebook Average
Notification Trigger - Student Gradebook Score
Notification Trigger - Student Missing Assessment
Notification Trigger - User Website Announcements
Notification Trigger - User Website Forums
PCR Educator Customer Portal
PCR EDUCATOR Referral Program!
PCR Educator School Portal
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
PCR Educator’s New Update Makes Data Entry More Efficient
Q & A: Can we create custom fields in PCR Educator?
Q & A: Collecting COPPA Forms
Q & A: Preparing for School Shut Down and Remote Instruction
Q & A: Surveying Parents
Sample Templates
Scheduled Maintenance
School POS Now Supports Touchless Transactions
Start Harnessing the Power of PCR Educator’s Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Platform Today
Start Uploading Files to New Application Evaluations
Text and Voice Communication
These New Security Features are Working Hard to Keep Your Data Safe
Translate your CRM Portals
Use This New Student Indicator to Track Attendance Type
Verifying Toll-Free Numbers and Preventing SMS Blocking: Action Required
What does a notification “read date” indicate?

Data Conversion


A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Can someone please explain why when I selected 680 "Enrolled" students to archive their final reports, PCR Educator showed that 695 reports are being archived?
Can wildcards be used when searching?
CMS Sitemap Page Visibility
Email Issue with Chrome Extension Grammarly
FAQ: How to Graduate Students
FAQ: How to suppress blank merge fields
FAQ: How to Withdraw a Student?
FAQ: What information does the Permanent Student Record’s ‘Student Record Inclusions’ section include?
FAQ: Why are Assessments still editable for some teachers and not others?
GPA Calculation
Household Include All (Admissions)
Households by Division
How can I change the line items on the Summary Page in the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
How can I get rid of the duplicate teachers? It doesn’t look like they are separate records as the same id number is attached to each duplicate record.
How can I help a parent who receives an error message when filling out our Inquiry Form?
How can I manually apply Financial Aid Awards to Customer Invoices?
How do I add new grades for summer courses or historical courses to transcripts?
How to mark deceased date?
How to remove Form submitted status?
IB (International Baccalaureate) MYP Gradebook Setup
Is there a way to check the number of free students in a particular block?
Is there a way to remove all assessments from last year which automatically moved to current year?
Our Parent Teacher Conferences are based on Term 1 classes, but the actual conferences will be spanning over Terms 1 and 2. When we create such conferences, what should we specify as the “Term”?
Our school has just started. Parents and students cannot see their class schedule even though the control is visible. Why?
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
Q & A: Can we create custom fields in PCR Educator?
Q & A: Collecting COPPA Forms
Q & A: Preparing for School Shut Down and Remote Instruction
Q & A: Surveying Parents
Q & A: Using DAT Query as a multi-action
Reviewing Inquiry Actions From Admin Portal
Staff / Teacher by Division
Student by Division
Teachers Not Able to Take Attendance
Troubleshooting Parent Teacher Conferences
Unable to Login
Unable to Login - Administrative Portals
Unable to Login - CMS Website
What does a notification “read date” indicate?
What does it mean when I receive an error in my email for the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
What information does a “What If” Scenario save?
Why am I not taken to the payment screen before the (Re) Enrollment Contract is submitted?
Why am I receiving an error when trying to submit the (Re) Enrollment Contract from the payment page?
Why are the drop downs in Finance > Contracts > Student Contracts - Options Selected showing the same option multiple times for (Re) Enrollment Contracts?
Why can’t I change the Weight for my Gradebook Category?
Why can't a user access the Finance portal?
Why can't I change the Category or Assessment Weight preferences for my gradebook?
Why do I not see the new action types I created in (Re) Enrollment Contract > Settings?
Why does my notification job have no recipients?
Why is a graduated or withdrawn student is showing when a parent logs into the (Re) Enrollment Contract application?
Why is a student not showing when a parent logs in to the (Re) Enrollment Contract application?
Why is my (Re) Enrollment Contract header banner running off the side of the page?
Why is my report card blank when I run a report card pdf?
Why is the student's financial aid not showing in the (Re) Enrollment Contract?
Why is there is extra space between paragraphs on the PDF version of my (Re) Enrollment Contract?


🚀 Introducing PCR Educator's Newest Game-Changing Feature: AI-Powered Report Card Comments! 🚀
(Re) Enrollment Contract
(Re) Enrollment Contract - Videos
(Re) Enrollment Contract Admissions Enrolling for Contract Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Application Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Check Box Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Checklist
(Re) Enrollment Contract Cleaning Control Options for Students
(Re) Enrollment Contract Confirmation Email Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Control Option
(Re) Enrollment Contract Date Stamp Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Enrollment Options Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Financial Aid Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Holds
(Re) Enrollment Contract Impersonate
(Re) Enrollment Contract Instructions
(Re) Enrollment Contract Integrity
(Re) Enrollment Contract Invoice / Payment Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Overrides
(Re) Enrollment Contract Payment Options Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Pre-Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile Alternatives
(Re) Enrollment Contract Profile Configuration
(Re) Enrollment Contract Radio Button Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Section
(Re) Enrollment Contract Settings
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signature Setup
(Re) Enrollment Contract Signing
(Re) Enrollment Contract Statistics
(Re) Enrollment Contract Text Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Transportation Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Transportation Multi Control
(Re) Enrollment Contract Tuition, Fees, and Deposits
(Re) Enrollment Contract Year to Year
4 seconds for Daily Health Check-in
A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Action Category
Adding / Dropping Course Student Billing
Adding CMS Widget
Adding Course - Invoice
Adding/Removing Page to Site Map
Adding/Removing Page to Site Map Manually
Adding/Removing Page to Site Map through CMS Page
Adding/Removing Page to Site Map through CMS Widget
Admissions - Videos
Admissions Checklist
Admissions Checklist Action
Admissions Event
Admissions Event Category
Admissions Records: Inquiry vs Applicant
Admissions Status by Division Announcement
Advancing Student Grade
AI Prerequisites
AI Report Card Comments
Announcing Support for Pronouns
Annual Forms
Application Setup
Application Setup (CMS/Website)
Apply Online Webinar Part 1
Apply Online Webinar Part 2
Applying Enrollment Profile
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiries in Bulk
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry Through (Re) Enrollment Contract
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry Through Summer Camp
Applying Enrollment Profile to Student Through (Re) Enrollment Contract
Applying Enrollment Profile to Students in Bulk
Archiving Official Report
Are You Ready to Outsource These Tasks to Machine Learning?
Assigning Evaluator
Assigning Evaluator - Bulk
Attribute Category
Automated Payment Processing (Development)
Automated Payment Processing (Finance)
Auto-Pay Configuration (Finance)
Auto-Pay Results (Finance)
Boost Your Growth Potential with Google Tag Manager
Building Master Schedule
Calculated Attribute
Campus Basic Webinar
Campus Basic Webinar 2
Campus Basic Webinar 2022 - Part 1
Can wildcards be used when searching?
Checking SPF Record
Class Rank
Class Rank Detail
Close of the School Year 2021 Announcement
Close of the School Year 2021 Announcement
Close of the School Year 2023 Announcement
Close Of The School Year 2024 Announcement
CMS - Conditional Logic
CMS - Site Map
CMS - Skipping Pages with Conditional Logic
CMS - Skipping Widgets with Conditional Logic
CMS - Videos
CMS Container
CMS DAT Filter Application
CMS Page Data
CMS Page Details
CMS Page Filter
CMS Page Roles
CMS Sitemap Page Visibility
CMS Template
CMS Widget
CMS Widget - Condition Dependent
CMS Widget - Condition Source
CMS Widget - Course Selection (Grid)
CMS Widget - Inquiry/Student Action
CMS Widget - Menu
CMS Widget - Parent/Student Attendance Entry
CMS Widget - Sign up Summary
CMS Widget - Standard Properties
CMS Widget - Text
Communicating User Login and Known Password
Configuring Action
Configuring Action (Evaluation Sections)
Configuring Admissions Event
Configuring Course Selections
Configuring Enrollment Profile
Configuring Enrollment Profile (Division-centric)
Configuring Enrollment Profile (Hybrid)
Configuring Enrollment Profile (School-centric)
Configuring Evaluation
Configuring Evaluation Dashboard
Configuring Existing User (Security)
Configuring Flags
Configuring New User (Security)
Configuring Payment Configuration
Configuring SPF Sender Authentication
Configuring Stored Payment Type
Configuring User
Configuring User (Admin / Admissions)
Copying CMS Page
Correspondence Records Consolidated to Actions
Course Inclusion
Course Section
Course Selection
Creating Attribute
Creating Attribute Category
Creating Block
Creating CMS - Site Map
Creating CMS Page
Creating Course
Creating Course Inclusion
Creating Course Period Inclusion - Bulk
Creating Course Period Inclusion - Individual
Creating Course Room Inclusion - Bulk
Creating Course Room Inclusion - Individual
Creating Course Section
Creating New CMS Page
Creating Period Code
Creating Staff
Creating Staff - Bulk
Creating Staff - Individual
Creating Staff Inclusion
Creating Staff Period Inclusion - Bulk
Creating Staff Period Inclusion - Individual
Creating Staff Room Inclusion - Bulk
Creating Staff Room Inclusion - Individual
Custom Flagging for Improved Student and Household Tracking
Daily Rotation
Deactivating Staff
Deceased Date Update
Default Password
Default Username
Deleting CMS - Site Map
Deleting Staff
Deleting/Deactivating Staff
Development - Videos
Display Number of Rows on Students List
Dropping Course - Refund
Edit Filter Announcement
Enable Convenience Fees for eCheck Enrollment Payments Today
Enrolling Inquiries
Enrollment Profile
Enrollment Profile Scenarios
Exciting New Feature Launch: Enhanced Student Name Tracking for a More Inclusive School Environment
FAQ: Uploading Documentation to Discipline Records
Finance/Student Billing - Videos
Google Classroom Integration Announcement
Grade Level
How to enroll a new student without having the parent submit an Enrollment Contract?
Import Menu Location Change
Important Update: CMS - Staff Tiles Directory
Infrastructure Updates
Infrastructure Upgrade Brings Host of New Features
Inquiry Action Delete Multi-action
Inquiry Action List
Inquiry Action Mark Completed Multi-action
Loading Students into Courses
Looking for Google Classroom Users
Managing Evaluator
Never Miss an Update With PCR Educator’s Email Notification System
New Feature: Saving Time with Grade Book Templates
New Update Brings a Simple Solution For Parents to Change Payment Plans
Official Report
Optimize Your Academic Planning with PCR Educator’s Course Requisite System
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
PCR Educator’s New Update Makes Data Entry More Efficient
Period Code
Printing Tax Receipt (Development)
Projected Mark
Purchase Option
Q & A: Can we create custom fields in PCR Educator?
Q & A: Collecting COPPA Forms
Q & A: Preparing for School Shut Down and Remote Instruction
Q & A: Surveying Parents
Recording Attribute
Recording Attribute - Bulk
Recording Attribute - Individual
Recording Inquiry Action
Recording Inquiry Action - Bulk
Recording Inquiry Action - by Evaluator
Recording Inquiry Action - Individual
Recording Student Action
Recording Student Action - Bulk
Recording Student Action - Individual
Recording Student Evaluation
Registrar - Videos
Removing Evaluator
Removing Evaluator - Bulk
Report Exclusion
Report Inclusion
Restricting Access to CMS Pages, CMS Widgets and Features
Restricting CMS Page by DAT Filter
Restricting CMS Page by Role
Restricting CMS Page by Role - in Bulk
Restricting CMS Page by Role - Individually
Restricting CMS Page by Unpublishing
Restricting CMS Page by Unpublishing - in Bulk
Restricting CMS Page by Unpublishing - Individually
Restricting CMS Page through CMS Sitemap
Restricting CMS Widget by DAT Filter
Restricting CMS Widget by Navigation Property
Restricting Content by Content Type
Reviewing Inquiry Actions From Admin Portal
Roles Dictionary
Scheduling - Videos
School Division
School Info
School Info (Finance)
School POS Now Supports Touchless Transactions
Score Type
Scoring Category
Sending Notification - Combined
Sending Notification to Staff
SPF Record
Staff Household
Staff Inclusion
Staff User
Start Harnessing the Power of PCR Educator’s Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Platform Today
Start Uploading Files to New Application Evaluations
Streamline Your School Scheduling with Expert Guidance
Student Action
Student Purchase Option
Teacher Portal Training Video
Teacher Purchase Option
These New Security Features are Working Hard to Keep Your Data Safe
Transcript Course Name
Translate your CRM Portals
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Unable to Login
Unable to Login - Administrative Portals
Unable to Login - CMS Website
Update: Add Students to Homeroom/Advisor Class
Update: Attendance
Update: Changing Gradebook Settings at any Time
Update: CMS Password Reset
Update: Contextual Help
Update: Finance Student Contracts
Update: Household/Contact Duplicates and Unreviewed Changes
Update: Inactive Actions
Update: Inquiry/Student Actions File Upload Control
Update: Number Of Records
Updating (Re) Enrollment Contract Year to Year
Updating Existing SPF Record
Use This New Student Indicator to Track Attendance Type
User Profile
Verifying (Re) Enrollment Contract Profile
Video: Creating Assignments for Online Submission
Video: Grading Assignments Submitted Online
Video: Submitting Assignments Electronically
Voiding Tax Receipts (Development)
Why can't a user access the Finance portal?
Why can't I change the Category or Assessment Weight preferences for my gradebook?
Why does my notification job have no recipients?

Records and Data Entry

🚀 Introducing PCR Educator's Newest Game-Changing Feature: AI-Powered Report Card Comments! 🚀
(Re) Enrollment Contract - Videos
1701 Specification
1701 Student Fields
4 seconds for Daily Health Check-in
A parent accidentally submitted the wrong (Re) Enrollment Contract. How can I have them complete the correct one?
Accounts Receivable Reconciliation
Action Category
Adding / Dropping Course Student Billing
Adding Course - Invoice
Admissions - Videos
Admissions Checklist
Admissions Checklist Action
Admissions Event
Admissions Event Category
Advancing Admissions Records
Advancing Admissions Records - Current Academic Year
Advancing Admissions Records - Next Academic Year
Advancing Student Grade
Alumni Wizard
Alumni Wizard - Assigning Parent Household Attributes
Alumni Wizard - Assigning Student Household Attributes
Alumni Wizard - Creating Student Household
Annual Forms
Application Setup
Application Setup (CMS/Website)
Apply Online Webinar Part 1
Apply Online Webinar Part 2
Applying Enrollment Profile
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiries in Bulk
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry Through (Re) Enrollment Contract
Applying Enrollment Profile to Inquiry Through Summer Camp
Applying Enrollment Profile to Student Through (Re) Enrollment Contract
Applying Enrollment Profile to Students in Bulk
Applying Financial Aid Awards as Customer Credits
Applying Financial Aid Awards to Customer Invoices as Line Items
Archiving Official Report
Assigning Evaluator
Assigning Evaluator - Bulk
Associating Mark Type Headings to Courses
Associating Mark Type Headings to Courses in Bulk
Associating Mark Type Headings to Courses Individually
Attendance Points and Discipline Points
Attendance Type
Attribute Category
Automated Payment Processing
Automated Payment Processing (Development)
Automated Payment Processing (Finance)
Auto-Pay Configuration (Finance)
Auto-Pay Results (Finance)
Balance Calculation
Balance Calculation - By Customer
Balance Calculation - By Student
Balance Calculation Scenarios
BC Ministry Reporting
Calculated Attribute
Campus Basic Webinar 2
Cash Register (POS)
CMS - Videos
Communicating User Login - No Password
Communicating User Login / Password
Complimentary School Scheduling Consultation
Configuring Action
Configuring Action (Evaluation Sections)
Configuring Admissions Event
Configuring Admissions Event Sign-up Process
Configuring Admissions Recommendations Process
Configuring Cash Register (POS)
Configuring Enrollment Profile
Configuring Enrollment Profile (Division-centric)
Configuring Enrollment Profile (Hybrid)
Configuring Enrollment Profile (School-centric)
Configuring Evaluation
Configuring Existing User (Security)
Configuring Flags
Configuring Grade Book Templates
Configuring Gradebook
Configuring Gradebook Settings
Configuring Historical Mark
Configuring Lunch Choice
Configuring Mark Type
Configuring Mark Type Heading
Configuring New User (Security)
Configuring Parent Portal for Parent Teacher Conferences
Configuring Parent Teacher Conference
Configuring Payment Configuration
Configuring Point of Sale (POS)
Configuring Score Entry Type
Configuring Stored Payment Type
Configuring User
Configuring User (Admin / Admissions)
Contact Address
Contact Award
Contact Financial Information
Contact Relationship
Creating Attribute
Creating Attribute Category
Creating Staff
Creating Staff - Bulk
Creating Staff - Individual
Credit Balances Available Online for Parents
Curious about Contactless Attendance for your school? See it in action here!
Custom Flagging for Improved Student and Household Tracking
Customer Balance Configuration
Daily Rotation
DAT API - Get DAT Export
DAT API - Get DAT Parameters
DAT API - Get DAT Queries
DAT Search Feature Demonstration
Deactivating Staff
Default Password
Default Username
Delete Student
Deleting Google Classroom Course
Deleting Staff
Deleting/Deactivating Staff
Demographic Query Update
Development - Videos
Development DAT Webinar
Dropping Course - Refund
Enrolling Inquiries
Enrollment Profile
Enrollment Profile Scenarios
Exciting New Feature Launch: Enhanced Student Name Tracking for a More Inclusive School Environment
Export 1701
Export/Import PEN
Export/Import Trax
FAQ: How to Withdraw a Student?
FAQ: Uploading Documentation to Discipline Records
FAQ: What information does the Permanent Student Record’s ‘Student Record Inclusions’ section include?
Finance/Student Billing - Videos
Financial Aid Categories
Forms for Staff, Households, Customers, Vendors, and Donors!
Gender Inclusive Pronouns
Generating Tax Receipt Record (Development)
Google Classroom Integration Announcement
GPA Settings
Grade Conversion Chart
Grade Level
Grade Type - Interim
Grade Type - Progress Report
Grade Type - Report Card
Gradebook Assessment
Gradebook Assessment Type
Gradebook Category
Historical Mark
Household Include All (Admissions)
Households by Division
How can I manually apply Financial Aid Awards to Customer Invoices?
How do I add new grades for summer courses or historical courses to transcripts?
How to enroll a new student without having the parent submit an Enrollment Contract?
How to remove Form submitted status?
HTML/RTF - Report Card Comments, Emails, and Website Content
IB (International Baccalaureate) MYP Gradebook Setup
Importing Data for Existing Records - Students
Importing Data for New Records - Customer Invoice Items
Importing New Records - Addresses
Importing New Records - Chart Layouts
Importing New Records - Evaluations
Importing New Records - Historical Marks
Importing New Records - Households
Importing New Records - Student Attendance
Importing New Records - Student Courses
Importing New Records - Students
Importing New Records - User
Inquiry Action Delete Multi-action
Inquiry Action List
Inquiry Action Mark Completed Multi-action
Looking for Google Classroom Users
Lunch Choice
Managing Evaluator
Managing Middle and High School Attendance - Video
Mark Type
Mark Type Heading
Mark Type Marking Period
Marking Period Info
Merge Household Multi-action
Merging Duplicate Inquiries
Merging Gradebook Category
Migrating Single Student Current Year Marks to History
New Feature: Allocating Credit to Invoices when Adding/Dropping Course
New Update Brings a Simple Solution For Parents to Change Payment Plans
Official Report
Online Directory Update
Our Parent Teacher Conferences are based on Term 1 classes, but the actual conferences will be spanning over Terms 1 and 2. When we create such conferences, what should we specify as the “Term”?
Parent Teacher Conference
Payment Configuration
PCR Educator to Offer Free Access to Student Information System and Communication Platform For 90 Days For New K-12 Schools
Point of Sale (POS)
Printing Tax Receipt (Development)
Product Category
Purchase Option
Q & A: Can we create custom fields in PCR Educator?
Q & A: Collecting COPPA Forms
Q & A: Preparing for School Shut Down and Remote Instruction
Q & A: Surveying Parents
Reconciling Customer Balance to A/R Aging Report
Reconciling Customer Balance to General Ledger
Reconciling Deposits with Payment Gateway
Recording Attribute
Recording Attribute - Bulk
Recording Attribute - Individual
Recording Extra Credit
Recording Gradebook Assessment Type
Recording Gradebook Grades
Recording Inquiry Action
Recording Inquiry Action - Bulk
Recording Inquiry Action - by Evaluator
Recording Inquiry Action - Individual
Recording Student Action
Recording Student Action - Bulk
Recording Student Action - Individual
Recording Student Evaluation
Refunding Customer
Refunding Customer Payment Shortcut
Refunding Customer Receipt
Registrar - Videos
Removing Evaluator
Removing Evaluator - Bulk
Reviewing Inquiry Actions From Admin Portal
Roles Dictionary
Sample Templates
Scheduling - Videos
School Division
School Info
School Info (Finance)
School POS Now Supports Touchless Transactions
Score Entry Type
Score Entry Type Value
Score Type
Scoring Category
Special GPA Marks
Specifying Lunch Choice (CMS)
Split Parents
Staff / Teacher by Division
Staff Household
Staff User
Start Uploading Files to New Application Evaluations
Status/Substatus Calculation
Status/Substatus Calculation - Financial Aid
Status/Substatus Calculation - Inquiry
Status/Substatus Calculation - Student
Stored Payment Info
Stored Payment Type
Student Action
Student by Division
Student Purchase Option
Summer School/Summer Camp - Videos
Switch Parents
Switch Parents Multi-action
Syncing Assessments with Google Classroom
Syncing Categories with Google Classroom
Syncing Grades with Google Classroom
Syncing Students with Google Classroom
Tax Receipt Record (Development)
Teacher Purchase Option
Text and Voice Communication
Trax Course Fields
TRAX Specification
Troubleshooting Parent Teacher Conferences
Update: Add Students to Homeroom/Advisor Class
Update: Changing Gradebook Settings at any Time
Update: Importing New Records - Student Selections
Update: Number Of Records
Updating Historical Mark
Updating Historical Mark for a Single Student
Updating Parent Teacher Conference
Updating Student Historical Mark in Bulk
Uploading Applicant Picture
Uploading Missing Course Sections to Google Classroom
Uploading Parent Picture
Uploading Parent Picture in Bulk
Uploading Parent Picture Individually
Uploading Picture
Uploading Picture Requirements
Uploading Staff Picture
Uploading Staff Picture in Bulk
Uploading Staff Picture Individually
Uploading Student Picture
Uploading Student Picture in Bulk
Uploading Student Picture Individually
User Profile
Voiding Tax Receipts (Development)
What information does a “What If” Scenario save?

Reporting and Data Analytics

Annual Forms
Attendance Roster PDF Discontinued
Can wildcards be used when searching?
Communicating User Login - No Password
Communicating User Login / Password
Communicating User Login and Known Password
DAT - (Re) Enrollment Data Structure
DAT - Admissions Evaluations Data Structure
DAT - Admissions Inquiries Data Structure
DAT - Admissions Inquiry Action Types Data Structure
DAT - Admissions Inquiry Actions Data Structure
DAT - Attendance Data Structure
DAT - Basic Student Data Structure
DAT - Check In / Check Out Data Structure
DAT - Common Student Tables: Actions
DAT - Common Student Tables: Households
DAT - Common Student Tables: Statuses
DAT - Development Data Structure
DAT - Finance AP Data Structure
DAT - Finance AR Customer Statement Data Structure
DAT - Finance AR Data Structure
DAT - Financial Aid Data Structure
DAT - Lunch Choices Data Structure
DAT - Scheduling Data Structure
DAT - Webinar
DAT API - Get DAT Export
DAT API - Get DAT Parameters
DAT API - Get DAT Queries
DAT Calculated/Aggregate Field Condition
DAT Development Webinar Meeting Link
DAT Diagrams
DAT Fields - Step 2 - Adding Calculated Field
DAT Webinar - (Re) Enrollment
DAT Webinar - Admin/Admissions
DAT Webinar - Attendance
DAT Webinar - Development
DAT Webinar - Development Level I
DAT Webinar - Finance
DAT Webinar - Scheduling
Development DAT Webinar
FAQ: What information does the Permanent Student Record’s ‘Student Record Inclusions’ section include?
Forms for Staff, Households, Customers, Vendors, and Donors!
Importing New Records - Chart Layouts
Importing New Records - Evaluations
Managing Middle and High School Attendance - Video
PCR Educator Report Samples
PCR Educator Transforms School Life for Families, Teachers, and Administrators
PCR Educator: Launching SOAP API
Period Attendance Not Taken PDF Report
Period Attendance Not Taken PDF Report
Period Attendance Not Taken PDF Report
Roles Dictionary
Standard Filter: [PCR Imported] - Development Mail Recipients
Standard Query: [Admin] Add/Drops
Standard Query: [Admin] Attendance by Day
Standard Query: [Admin] Courses Without Report Card Mark Types
Standard Query: [Admin] Daily Attendance
Standard Query: [Admin] Dropped Classes
Standard Query: [Admin] Enrolled Students with Grandparent Households
Standard Query: [Admin] Enrolled Students with Parent Households
Standard Query: [Admin] Historical Attendance
Standard Query: [Admin] Interim Comments
Standard Query: [Admin] Interim Marks
Standard Query: [Admin] Notification Recipients
Standard Query: [Admin] Orphaned Period Attendance
Standard Query: [Admin] Parent Teacher Conferences by Household
Standard Query: [Admin] Parent Teacher Conferences by Student
Standard Query: [Admin] Parents of Alumni
Standard Query: [Admin] Period Attendance Not Taken
Standard Query: [Admin] Period Attendance Taken
Standard Query: [Admin] Present and Absent for a Day
Standard Query: [Admin] Report Card Statuses
Standard Query: [Admin] Report Card Statuses by Department
Standard Query: [Admin] Staff who are Current Parents
Standard Query: [Admin] Student Barcodes
Standard Query: [Admin] Student Evaluation Results
Standard Query: [Admin] Student Historical Marks
Standard Query: [Admin] Students Per Grade Level
Standard Query: [Admin] Students Per School
Standard Query: [Admin] Students Per School Division
Standard Query: [Comments] Staff Comments
Standard Query: [Development] Donation Payment Errors
Standard Query: [Scheduling] Block List - Today
Standard Query: [Scheduling] Next Year Section Enrolled Totals by Next Grade Level
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    School Name *
    Relation to School *
    Last Name *
    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Your Phone # *
    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.